Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Moon: Remix Rpg Adventure

  • Genre: Adventure
  • Time Played: ~20Hours?
  • Too Short/Long: It's a pretty solid length, but there are times where it feels like you are wasting time, or at least I did, because I didn't know what to do.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: Pleased.
  • Why I played: Moon is a game that has come up a bunch throughout the years in the space of "weird japan only games" and then it was released in the US officially in 2020. It's something I've always been interested in playing.
  • Recommend to others: I may just recommend it to people who like weird old games or adventures games with rpg tropes, but with the warning it can be quite obtuse.
Moon somehow managed to invoke a strong feeling of nostalgia for me, despite never playing it. There were so many instances I felt like "I've seen this exact thing", I've read this, I've done this, and heck, maybe I have. Moon has been covered by a lot of random sources on the internet as an example of a weird Japanese game that exists out there, somewhere. Pretty much all of Love-de-lic games have at some point or another. But it wasn't just that, I almost find it hard to believe it's a game that was only localized recently because the writing just so perfectly captures the era of when it came out, 25+ years ago.

Moon specifically focuses itself around rpg tropes and within it exists the meta of you being the player accessing the game world. From the perspective of it's citizens, you are a spirit inhabiting the clothes of a you that used to exist, but died, in the game's world. But the theme of the game is love, and instead of going around slaying monsters, you help out the monsters slain by the would-be-hero. You also do other stuff that would be akin to sidequests in an actual RPG and play mini-games. It's like an RPG, except it's just a walk-around point and click style adventure game. You have no stats or progression beyond your health, which is just a timer for how long you're allowed to do stuff without dying.

You just have to make sure to get back to bed in time to not die. It's a cute game, even if some of it's puzzles and what you're supposed to be doing at certain times are obtuse. I got frustrated on one part for like 3 hours and almost gave the game up. I even tried looking it up online but nothing helped at all. There aren't exactly the best resources for this game, despite how much I may have read about it in the past.

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