Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Doll Explorer

  • Genre: Strategy/Puzzle
  • Time Played: ~15 Hours?
  • Too Short/Long: Long enough for the content it has, it was starting to get a little stale. I wouldn't mind seeing it as a bigger game though, with more options and customization.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: Pleased, I like these games.
  • Why I played: I played Witch Explorer, the developers previous game, which I really liked.
  • Recommend to others: I'm not entirely sure I would. There are probably better dungeon-crawl strategic games in the form of rogue-likes with customizable decks of moves or something.
Doll Explorer is a cute game, it's a sequel to Witch Explorer, which I really enjoyed, if I recall. Witch Explorer being a little bit more up my alley, as a Tower Defense Shmup. I'm not sure if this falls into more of a strategy game or more of a puzzle game, but the main gameplay consists of placing little cards in a queue, then executing your move. You'll perform those action in order, and some have special combos. You want to prevent getting hit, but also escape the poison fog creeping up from behind.

It does a good job of balancing all the working parts and making you think about your moves, and can feel pretty rewarding when you really nail each aspect of it. It's not perfect, but it's a pretty fun little game, and has cute art.

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