Friday, September 13, 2024


  • Genre: Fighting
  • Time Played: ~2 Hours
  • Too Short/Long: It's a bit on the short side, it's only 2 because I played around a bunch with some regular matches, but it's nice that it has a little story.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: Regular. I'm not disappointed, but I'm not exactly wowed.
  • Why I played: It's a fighting game and it has a nice art style.
  • Recommend to others: Not like a strong recommend, and I'd have to play some actual two player before I can really know, but there are better options for this style of game.
I almost forgot to write about this one. I finished this before Moon.

There has been a trend "lately"(as in... for a good handful of years) of fighting games that try to capture the magic of the famous single strike stand samurai stand off not much seen for nearly 30 years in Bushido Blade. Slice Dice and Rice, One Strike,  Kiai Resonance, Blind Blades, you can argue Samurai Gunn to a degree, and there are a couple other non-Samurai single strike fighting games. This is another one, and it doesn't do much to set itself apart. It does have some great art, which I would say is the biggest thing. A lot of the others, while stylized, I wouldn't exactly say have great art.

It also has a story mode, with actual scenes and dialog and such, which can probably be completed in less than an hour, and then some additional ways to approach said story mode and other single player options, which is nice since most of the other games like this literally only have their standard vs mode. I can't say it's the best of the bunch, but I also haven't actually played it multiplayer yet, but considering there are only 5 characters and I've had a good amount of time to play with the mechanics, I don't think I'm going to suddenly be surprised by it's greatness. It's neat though, and I like the option to play a few rounds of this when it comes up in the future.

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