Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind

  • Genre: Beat 'em up
  • Spoiler Free Review: Yeah, though I don't really think there is anything to spoil, either.
  • Time Played: 3 Hours
  • Partners: Alice, Taylor, Brandon
  • Too Short/Long: It feels about right for a more or less standard beat 'em up.
  • Soundtrack: While there are some really good Power Rangers tracks, it's not doing anything too special with them. 
  • Pleased/Disappointed: A little bit of both, I had fun with it and am glad it existed, but it wasn't all that ambitious.
  • Why I played: I love the Power Rangers franchise and the timing of this release was really perfect, following my personal Power Ranger Renaissance era.
  • Did I cry: Only because of how bad I was at at Megazord combat.
  • Recommend to others: It's hard for me to actually recommend it. There are many better beat 'em ups. But there aren't many better Power Rangers games, so it's fun having some... not bad Power Ranger content.
Rita's Rewind kind of pulled a 180° on me. I was pretty hype seeing initial trailers and such, and thought this was gonna be the best beat 'em up in years. Better than Shredder's Revenge, maybe even better than River City Girls 2(no hope to be better than the first though). It was not.

It was fine. It was serviceable, and there is some fun stuff in there for Power Ranger fans. But it's not gonna blow anyone away. It's more or less what you'd expect from an older licensed title. More or less standard fair with a Power Rangers coat of paint.

There character don't really control or act differently, they pretty much all have the same exact move sets/stats/handling etc. So who you play is only for aesthetics. The Megazord combat leaves a lot to be desired. It's actually pretty similar to Divine Dynamo Flamefrit which I played not too long ago. Instead you have to chase down your opponent and there is no shooting, so it grows a little tiring. Maybe this actually would have benefitted from playing single player? In multiplayer you alternate turns for the Megazord, and maybe it just took us out of the groove. Still I can't help but feel like they could have mixed up the gimmicks for the different fights.

There are also individual Zord, and motorcycles sequences, so between the 4 different types of gameplay, it does a good job at mixing up the content. It's just all imperfect. I can't help but feel like each aspect is just missing that one thing to make it much better, and there is often too much happening on screen to see what's going on, creating a downward spiral of messing things up.

Still, I had fun with it, even if it could have been a little frustrating and wasn't as inspired as I hoped for.

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