Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Time Crisis

  • Genre: Rail Shooter
  • Time Played: <1 Hour
  • Partner: Brooke
  • Too Short/Long: It's fine for an arcade game. I would likely be a little disappointed if I had a home version. Then again, I would have gotten more play out of it if I wasn't playing with unlimited continues.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: It's fine. Pretty standard light gun shooting game.
  • Why I played: We were at an Arcade for Brooke's birthday.
  • Recommend to others: If you're looking for something to play in an arcade, sure, but not to like, buy, specifically for this.
I'm writing about this way late because I realize I had a draft of it sitting on blogger that was never published. Maybe I debated on including it or not for whatever misc reason but now I'm deciding to, we rolled credits... and the draft sitting here on the back end is annoying me.

There isn't much to say about Time Crisis, it's a fun romp of a rail shooter, if a little short and imperfect. Later Time Crisis are entirely improvements. It's made for arcade though, so what can you expect.

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