Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Adventures of Nayu

  • Genre: Clicker
  • Time Played: 1.5 Hour
  • Too Short/Long: Way too short.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: Mildly disappointed 
  • Why I played: I saw it in my Steam library and was like "What's this?" and installed it and played it.
  • Recommend to others: Not really, there are better "clicker" or auto style games that offer more entertainment and stuff to do.
I debated even including this, but I guess technically I beat it or finished it, and I got all the achievements, but it didn't really feel like I did anything. Even though auto/clicker style games are just kinda time wasters and generally do not require skill, usually there are far more steps and things to do in the middle of things. After about an hour and a half there is nothing else to do in this game. I unlocked everything and got all the achievements from it's very slightly Flappy Bird inspired mini-game. 

It has super cute art and a little story, but it would have been great to expand on that, let you switch your party members, actually have your party members do anything, have different parties you battle and advantages/disadvantages . The enemies don't even fight back, so it's not one of those where you upgrade and then start over and keep doing that, you will eventually win no matter what, if you don't click as much or select upgrades it may take longer, that's it.

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