Monday, April 3, 2023

Fur Squadron

  • Genre: On-Rails Shooter
  • Time Played: Less than an hour to beat? I played more because of other difficulties.
  • Too Short/Long: Way too short.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: Mildly disappointed, only due to the length.
  • Why I played: Because it looked like a cool synthwave Star Fox
  • Recommend to others: I would if you really need some Star Fox-esque game to play, and it is only like 6 bucks not on sale, but it's very very short.
I didn't expect this to be as short as it is. I guess Star Fox games aren't super long, but all the levels besides the last one are like 5 minutes tops and the last is like 10. So I would be surprised if my first run took 45 minutes.

It's a short and sweet love letter to Star Fox, but it doesn't even bother trying to play with mechanics. You have your bomb, your "Barrel Roll" (which they even call out as an aileron roll), and you hold the button to lock on. You can "shield" to restore your health and a laser upgrade. That's about it. It's solid. It looks cool, but it's over before you know it.

It does sound like the devs miiight be releasing more content in the future? Might be worth revisiting. At least it's not the only Star Fox inspired game coming out this year.

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