Friday, March 31, 2023


  • Genre: Platforming Puzzle
  • Time Played: 4.6 Hours
  • Too Short/Long: Feels about right for what it is. I was getting a little fatigued at the very end.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: Kinda Neutral.
  • Why I played: I played a demo of Metrico a long time ago, on Vita I think, and it left quite the impression on me. I always meant to play it. I think I got it super cheap in a recent sale.
  • Recommend to others: I don't really feel like I would recommend it. It's not bad, but... it's not as special as it could be. I would probably recommend many other platforming puzzle games first.
Metrico starts off really strong, it introduces cool mechanics based off movement and a world that responds to your every interaction, and presents itself as a game inspired by... metrics/analytics... it's Excel.. the platformer, but as the puzzles become more challenging, it's more about figuring out specifically what makes the world interact with you, rather than everything you do changing the space around you.

I think it could have been really cool if the world was much more dynamic and complicated and responded to each new mechanic, causing layers of interactions, but I can also see how it would be really hard to develop puzzles around that. In the end, I feel like it's a game that starts off strong then just becomes a mess of flailing around until you figure out what works so you can solve the puzzle. It's a cool idea, but probably implemented in other games more successfully. 

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