Sunday, July 7, 2024

Minishoot' Adventures

  • Genre: Action Adventure Shmup
  • Time Played: 8 Hours
  • Too Short/Long: Pretty solid time, didn't wear out it's welcome, but I would have liked to have maybe seen some more unique abilities and a bit more game as a whole.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: I liked it a lot.
  • Why I played: Seems like a pretty perfect combination of things I liked.
  • Recommend to others: I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes say, 2d Zelda games, and shoot 'em ups, or at least, bullet-hell sequences in non-shoot 'em up games.
This is going to be a quick one because I actually finished the game a week ago, and just keep forgetting to say something about it - probably the longest I've gone without mentioning the game I finished.

Anyway, it was really good. I wish there was a bit more to it. Even though I play plenty of shorter games, this one just hit the right spot and I was hoping for some more unique powers, but you pretty much get the powers you would expect a shmup to have. Bullet, more bullets, bigger bullets, and move faster. That's fine. It did what it came to do and I liked it.

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