Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Battle Circuit

  • Genre: Beat 'em up
  • Time Played: ~1 Hour
  • Partner: Alice, Taylor, Brandon
  • Too Short/Long: Definitely on the short side, but on par for an arcade beat 'em up. You can stand at a cabinet for several hours.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: I like it, I think it's a pretty good one.
  • Why I played: Needed a warm up game before jumping into the inventory management sim that is Dragon's Crown. Also a palette cleanser after Mayhem Brawler.
  • Recommend to others: I wouldn't go out of my way for Battle Circuit, but if you have it via a collection of some kind, as I do, it's worth playing.
I liked Battle Circuit. I think there was some mixed reception among those I played with, but it's not bad for a 90's arcade brawler. I like that it has input combos, and I like that it has upgrades. I just think it would have been neater if there were more input combos and more upgrades. Sometimes there is a bit too much going on screen to really tell what's happening, and sometimes it performs a pretty strong seizure check.

It's pretty quick paced though and general attacks feel good, and there is a diverse cast. I appreciate a lot of beat 'em ups for not just being "Guy 1, Guy 2, Woman".

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