Sunday, October 29, 2023

Streets of Red: Devil's Dare Deluxe

  • Genre: Beat 'em up
  • Time Played: 2+ Hours
  • Partner: Alice, Rey, some others a long time ago.
  • Too Short/Long: It's about what it needs to be for the kind of game it is.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: It's a fun game, and I went back to it after years, so I'm pleased with it.
  • Why I played: Picked it up again after just looking for a good game to play three players.
  • Recommend to others: Yeah, it's not necessarily the first, or even top few beat 'em ups I'd recommend, but pretty up there.
Originally released as just "Devil's Dare", I had played this a good bit years ago, but didn't finish it to my recollection. Or maybe I did, and I just felt like replaying. I'm not too sure because I originally owned it on Steam. My Steam time says 5+ hours, but I feel like that may have been accidently left open or something, especially considering my 2-3 hours on the Switch version has 3x the amount of in-game achievements unlocked.

Everything is the game is a reference to something else. Many video game references of course, but also a good bit of movie references and just other miscellaneous pop culture references. I don't think the entire Gex series has as many references as this couple hour beat 'em up.

We played with Rey and got the bad ending, not knowing we were going to be asked for a ton of money to get the good ending. Alice and I played a few days later, having a better idea of how to earn and save money and knocked it out. It's a fun little romp if you've knocked out some of the more popular options for beat 'em ups.

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