Sunday, January 26, 2025

Refind Self: The Personality Test Game

  • Genre: Adventure
  • Spoiler Free Review: Yes.
  • Time Played: 2 hours
  • Too Short/Long: Fine for what it is - but I wouldn't have minded a bit more.
  • Soundtrack: Some cute tracks, but relatively low key stuff.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: Pleased.
  • Why I played: I just really liked the art to be honest. Also I always liked doing "personality quizzes"
  • Did I cry: Nah, it didn't really get deep enough into it, even if it was trying to be touching.
  • Recommend to others: I would for the simple fact I want to use the little comparison feature in the game to weigh peoples diskette against mine and see how we did things differently. The most fun part of personality quizzes is seeing how your result stack up with your friends. 
Refind Self is what it says it is, a personality test game, it wraps the "test" up in a little adventure of a robot girl, going around a town, doing some tasks, as you do them you'll uncover the story. Well maybe, I supposed you could get through without uncovering anything... depending on your personality.

That said the game wraps up pretty quick, it gives you some options to extend the game time, but to "fully unlock" your personality, and "finish" the game, you have to play through at least three times. Since your first run or two will allow you to discover more options, you can really focus on what you want to do in that last run, and just maybe "see everything" in that given amount of time.

Your actions will be judged, and compared to I guess every other player that has played the game while online? Some neat stats, and even though a lot of them may end up being "most common choice" the fact that you chose to perform that action at all, is a choice. I thought I was going to get all the most common personality types based off my stats, but it turns out none of them were common - not quite the least common, but I think it's an interesting analysis into how differently people approach games.

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