Monday, October 2, 2023

Super Alloy Ranger

  • Genre: Action Platforming
  • Time Played: 4 Hours
  • Too Short/Long: I could have swore I played far longer than 4 hours. Probably means it was too long.
  • Pleased/Disappointed: Ehhh, mostly disappointed. I liked the character art.
  • Why I played: On a Mega Man-like Roll.
  • Recommend to others: Not really, even if you're hard pressed for games that kinda play like Mega Man, you can probably do better.
Super Alloy Ranger is a very okay game. It's playable, it's not the worst, but the best thing about it is generally the art. The detailed pixel art cut scenes, character portraits, and even character sprites are all great.

Otherwise? It's a little rough. It's not a very difficult game, in fact, it rarely offers much of a challenge, but the character controls don't feel as precise as they should. Levels are a bit long, and kinda repetitive feeling? There isn't much in the way of gimmicks, even if there are some unique(from other levels) platforming challenges.

Music is a mixed bag. Some amazing tracks, but some are just way too loud/fast. It's like they turned up the volume and played them at 2x speed. It's a bit much. Other tunes are catchy or fitting.

I do really like the character designs, and it's probably mainly why I bought the game. I also really hoped there was gonna be a shmup or other kind of vehicle section because it's teased in the base area with big detailed sprites of a vehicle for each of the main characters and it never happened.

The localization is abysmal. Probably the worst I've ever seen on a game with an official English release. I feel like it was either DIRECT google translate or just like one person who has maybe got like a 1 year Duolingo streak in English and took like a 101 class in grade school. Maybe a combination thereof.

That doesn't make it unplayable, but when the thing I am kinda enjoying the most, the characters, are just speaking nonsense half the time, I can barely even enjoy that. I do feel like this was a passion project that someone put a lot of effort into, it just, could have been more. The ending strongly hinted at a Super Alloy Rangers 2, and despite everything I said, I would give it a shot.

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